7 Reasons to Detox with Lemon Water this Year

As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. However, as any fitness enthusiast knows, lemonade is usually full of sugar, or worse, aspartame, and the fact that it’s carbonated isn’t helping the matter either. Instead, a much healthier and easier option is simply to make lemon water. 

Simply prepare a pitcher of Adam’s ale each morning, squeeze half a lemon into it, and then cut that half into wedges and pop them in for good measure, too. Lemon is not only known to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and immune boosting, but is also packed with vitamin C, in addition to providing healthy, nutritional doses of potassium, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B-6. And then endeavour to drink the full pitcher throughout the day.

A perfect way to detox after what was no doubt an indulgent Christmas, here are seven great reasons why lemon water is not only a great start to your day, but a great start to your year! When better to rekindle your zest for life?

1. Keeps you hydrated

It might be an obvious one, but how many times have you heard someone say they dislike the taste of water? Rather than crack open that bottle of body eroding, fizzy black stuff (you know the one), lemon water is a refreshingly tasty and healthy alternative. And like green tea and water, it is one of the few low calorie, and artificial-sweetener free, drinks available! And in terms of cost, we’re looking at approximately 15p a day!

2. Helps to fight bad breath

As lemons are naturally anti-bacterial, lemon water can help battle the bacteria in your mouth and therefore potentially prevent bad breath (especially useful for coffee fiends). Mouth bacteria can also result in tooth decay and heart disease, so keeping your breath fresh isn’t just a social bonus. But be warned, lemons are also acidic, so it certainly isn’t a substitute for mouth wash, and if you’re a ‘swasher,’ time to add to your list of New Year's resolutions!

3. Shifts constipation

Lemons produce citric acid, which can aid the digestive system. This is best demonstrated in the preparation of sushi, where lemon juice is used as an alternative to cooking via heat (meaning sushi isn’t actually raw at all). For more information on the Japanese delicacy, check out our home-made sushi guide - it really couldn’t be easier!

As lemons are also an anti-septic, the juice can help flush out toxins in the digestive tract, which in turn can prevent bloating.

4. Brightens the skin

Vitamin C assists in the production of collagen, which is directly linked to wrinkles. More collagen means less wrinkles. And wouldn’t you rather just add a few lemons to your diet, rather than rub some poor animals ‘removed collagen’ on your face, as is supposedly the latest fad.

5. Boosts the immune system

Much in the way of research illustrates a connection between vitamin C levels and the immune system. It is found in high concentrations in ‘immune cells’ and is consumed quickly during periods of infection. However, as Vitamin C is water soluble, any leftover amounts are passed through urine, unlike other vitamins which are stored by the body. Therefore, it needs to be constantly replenished, and what better way to do so than the regular drinking of lemon water throughout the day?

6. Balances acidity in the body

Lemons contain both citric and absorbic acid, which helps to alkalise the blood, in turn balancing the acidity in your body.

Studies have shown that disease often occurs when the blood is too acidic, so the regular drinking of lemon water can help keep you healthy.

Additionally, aches and pains in the joints are often the result of inflammation, which can be caused by the build up of uric acid. So once again, lemon water can help against such ailments, especially those linked with arthritis.

7. Cleanses the liver

Research has shown that the liver can produce more enzymes from lemons than any other food source available. These additional enzymes will obviously help the liver to do its job more efficiently. In addition, the high vitamin C content in lemons also helps the body produce glutathione, which is used by the liver to neutralise toxins.

Let us know about your health and fitness related New Year’s resolutions below, and whether lemon water will be one of them. Or if you are already an advocate of the drink, we’d love to hear about the benefits you’ve experienced. And for an even more invigorating start to the year, why not check out the Be An Athlete Neon Leggings range, available in a range of zesty colours....

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