A couple of weeks ago, we shared the Be An Athlete ‘Protein Powerhouse’ pancake recipe, as a healthy(er), muscle pumping, option for Shrove Tuesday. But what happens if you’ve got a hankering for something sweet on one of the other 364 days of the year, and, dare we say it, your beloved ‘cheat day’ is nowhere in sight...?
Assuming you’re able to set those sugar-starved eyes slightly lower than that cream-smothered, chocolate-oozing, beast of a pudding you’ve been dreaming about, then we might have the perfect treats to help you keep those demons at bay...at least, until cheat day.
For the fitness fanatic...
WheyHey Protein Ice Cream

David Gandy, right? Well, that same individual invested heavily into WheyHey Protein Icecream, and is now one of the major shareholders, having been ‘bowled over’ by the product. And let’s face it, he’s in pretty damn good shape.
If that hasn’t already convinced you, WheyHey is also gluten free, sugar free, contains no artificial sweeteners, and manages to pack 20g of muscle popping protein into the mix, too. Just to put this into context, that’s the same amount of protein as 100g of raw sirloin steak, with less than half the calories of a similarly sized tub of Haagen-Daas.
And did we mention they’ve just released the all new 'Banoffee' flavour...
For the health fanatic...
CoYo Coconut Yoghurt
Made from 100% natural coconut yoghurt, CoYo is free from lactose, gluten, dairy, soy, sugar and additives, as well as being suitable for vegans. Wow. But without all those supplements we’ve come to know, love, and, well, become intolerant to, how does it taste? Pretty good actually!CoYo has a wonderfully natural flavour, and because each pot contains 1.25 coconuts, it also provides your body with medium chain fatty acids, these being the good fats that are broken down by the liver to be used as energy, in addition to natural antibacterial properties that support the immune system.
For the competitor...
Bounce Energy Balls
The perfect workout snack, Bounce Energy Balls are designed to refuel your body in a tasty and nutritious way.
With eight flavours to choose from, each with a specific purpose tailored to a certain fitness requirement, they’re basically the snack equivalent of the X-men. If you’re looking for muscle-building sustenance following an epic workout, your best bet is the Peanut Protein Blast; if you’re starting to slow down ten miles into a marathon, it’s time to call on the Spirulina & Ginseng Energy Ball.
Bounce only use the highest quality of ingredients, with each ball having a base composition of nuts, seeds or brown rice, so whatever your needs – there’s a ball for you!
How do you satisfy your sweet tooth in a way that doesn’t jeopardise your fitness regime? Let us know in the comment box below, and why not reward your efforts with a body accentuating T-Shirt or Top from the Be An Athlete range...
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